Getting the word out about your company or product can be challenging due to a highly competitive marketplace. That is why finding creative and non-traditional ways to attract attention to your unique traits and the unique traits of your product is extremely important.
Fashion Public Relations firms are mainly concerned with finding creative ways to generate buzz about a fashion brand and creating new trends that attract fashion lovers.

The role of a Fashion Public Relations representative is extremely important, as this person or agency is responsible for marketing the brand to the public and gaining the attention and interest of fashion editors and the press.
The difference between social media and traditional PR is that Public Relations is about attracting new customers. Traditional media is a good way to generate awareness and attract new customers. Social media is best used for connecting with existing customers who can share information about your brand through word of mouth. Publicity tends to be more cost-effective than advertising, which is why PR is so important to small and growing businesses.

Outsourcing your public relations can be very helpful to you in gaining expanded reach to media contacts and fashion editors. Editors may use samples from your line in their magazine-style spreads. Public Relations professionals would be responsible for handling sending samples to editors, contacting and pitching stories to the media about your brand, and developing promotional events to generate awareness, among other duties.

Again, the difference between social media and traditional PR, is that Public Relations is about attracting new customers and maintaining a favorable public image. Connecting with the public and heightening visibility is extremely important to any new or established brand.
For more information about our services or for any questions, please contact us
#DesignCollectiveNY #communications #publicrelations #fashionpr
By Belinda Antwi for